1. Articles written prior to the adoption of UCP 600
- The Insight interview: Nicole Keller / The shape of the new UCP
- “Inconsistencies and ambiguities about [UCP’s] meaning ought to be banished to the past” by Roger Graham
- “The UCP 500 transport articles need to be revised” by T.O. Lee
- The Insight interview: John Turnbull / “The UCP needs to stand on its own”
- The Insight interview: Charles Debattista / A transport expert’s recommendations for the new UCP
- “Negotiation”: no benefit to beneficiaries by Reinhard Längerich
- A call for clearer drafting in the next UCP by Roger Graham
- A trader’s wish list for UCP 600 by Frank Reynolds
- The Insight interview: Ole Malmqvist / Candid views from a member of the UCP Drafting Group
- Negotiation credits, value and nominated banks by John Dolan
- What traders expect from the new UCP by Mark Ford
- The Insight interview: Laurence A.J. Bacon / Some key issues in the UCP revision
- Notes from the UCP Drafting Group by UCP Drafting Group members
- Another view of notice “without delay” disposal and preclusion by John Dolan
- The transport sector views UCP 600 by Mark Ford
- An argument for smaller-scale UCP revisions by Roger Graham
- Delete “reasonable time” and “without delay” from the UCP by N.D. George (CDCS Distinction)
- The Insight interview: René Müller / Confronting the tough issues in the UCP revision
- In support of electronic UCP revisions by Åke Nilson
- On “reasonable time” and holding documents at the disposal of the presenter by Pavel Andrle
- Discounting deferred payment obligations by John F. Dolan
- Documentary credits: what law should apply? by Jeremy Smith
- Another take on negotiation by Bojan Zidar
- “Reasonable time” – a US perspective by Donald R. Smith
- The Insight interview: John Turnbull / The Chair of the UCP Consulting Group on the latest UCP draft
- Addresses, agents and transport documents by Heinz Hertl
- Pluses and minuses in recent UCP drafts by Hennie T.J. van Diemen
- Availability of credit and negotiation by King-Tak Fung
- When is a B/L not a B/L? by Laurence A.J. Bacon
- Expert commentary: Ole Malmqvist / UCP 600 “key issues” reconsidered
- Reimbursement rights of a “discounting” nominated bank by Jim Barnes
- The Insight interview: Carlo di Ninni / Some real problems with the definition of “bank”
- Transport articles in the draft UCP by Professor Charles Debattista
- UCP revision: the last six miles by Kim Christensen
- A call for consistency with transport conventions by T.O. Lee
- Who speaks for the exporter? by Laurence A.J. Bacon
- Negotiation is not always what bankers think it is by Donald Smith
- The Insight interview: Kim Chalmer / A representative of the transport industry considers UCP 600
- Online training and resources for UCP 600 by Derek Ennis
2. Articles written after the adoption of UCP 600
- A look back at the UCP revision by Gary Collyer
- UCP 600: “A document restoring the credibility of L/Cs” by Pradeep Taneja
- The final UCP 600: A trader’s view by Frank Reynolds
- The new UCP: “A major opportunity missed” by Jeremy Smith
- “All products need to be reinvigorated” by David Meynell
- UCP 600: A shipping association’s view by Peter Holst
- The Insight interview: William Cameron / Balancing the pluses and minuses of the revision
- “An improved UCP that has solved many problems” by Reinhard Längerich
- Negotiation credits under UCP 600 by John Dolan
- UCP 600 and bank responsibility for fraud by Jim Barnes
- The irrevocable credit and UCP 600 article 32 by N.D. George
- UCP 600: a reaction from the Middle East by Mohammad Burjaq
- Should future UCP revisions be carried out differently? by Boris Kozolchyk
- A lawyer’s personal welcome to the new UCP by Brooke Wunnicke
- Reports from the UCP seminars by Frank Reynolds and Donald Smith
- SWIFT UCP 600 Usage Guidelines by James Wills
- Transport articles: the shipping industry’s perspective by Emily Comyn
- A practical approach to the new UCP by Kim Christensen
- Banks gear up for UCP 600 by Mark Ford
- A summary of the updated ISBP by Haluk Erdemol
- The Insight interview: Donald Smith / Relating the ISBP to the UCP
- Should B/Ls have been excluded from UCP 600 article 17? by Saku Heiskanen
- Ambiguities in the new UCP by Pavel Andrle\
- Issues and challenges under UCP 600 by Mark Ford
- Loss of documents and UCP 600 article 35 by N.D. George, CDCS (Distinction)
- UCP 600: issues and question marks by Radek Dobás
- Excluding UCP articles: a troublesome trend by Pavel Andrle
- Reports from the UCP seminars (part 2) by Frank Reynolds and Donald Smith
- The anatomy of “shipment” in L/C transactions by Kim Christensen