Farah El Hajj Purice’s practice mostly focuses on arbitration, domestic and international, ad hoc and institutional and entails representing regional and international clients before the Dubai International Arbitration Center, the Dubai International Financial Center Courts, the London Court of International Arbitration, the Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation & Arbitration Center, the Beirut Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the ICC International Court of Arbitration. Farah assisted in an investment treaty arbitration against the Republic of Lebanon before the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes on behalf of the Claimant; and was involved in an investment treaty arbitration against the United Arab Emirates.
The disputes in which she acted as counsel or intervened as secretary to the Arbitral Tribunal were seated in different jurisdictions such as in London, Paris, Dubai, Muscat, Riyadh, and Beirut and were governed by equally diversified substantive laws such as those of the United Kingdom, France, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabic, the Sultanate of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, and Lebanon.
Farah El Hajj Purice holds a Bachelor of Law Degree from the Saint Joseph University and a Master’s Degree in Local and International Business Law from the Filière Francophone de Droit.
She pleads and can perfectly handle legal work in Arabic, French and English and has knowledge in Spanish and Romanian.
Arbitration – Counsel work
- Counsel for the Respondent/Counterclaimant in ICC arbitration proceedings on an AED 150,000,000 dispute related to the construction of a chemical industrial plant, seated in Abu Dhabi, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Counsel for the Respondent in DIAC and ADCCAC arbitration proceedings in a dispute covering forty properties, seated in the UAE, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Counsel for the Claimant in ICC arbitration proceedings on a USD 20,000,000 joint venture agreement dispute related to the distribution of products in Ethiopia, seated in Dubai, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Co-counsel for the Claimant in ICSID Arbitration Proceedings against the Republic of Lebanon (Directorate General of Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Works and Transport) in a civil aviation dispute.
- Counsel for the Claimant in BCCI arbitration proceedings on a multimillion USD dispute relating to a major Lebanese family’s commercial business, seated in Beirut, governed by Lebanese law, and conducted in English.
- Counsel for the Claimant in BCCI arbitration proceedings on a mutli-million USD dispute relation to a waterfront construction project, seated in Beirut, governed by Lebanese law, and conducted in English.
- Counsel for the Respondent in ICC expedited arbitration proceedings regarding a dispute arising out of the sale and purchase of chemicals products, seated in Paris, governed by French law, and conducted in English.
- Counsel for the Respondent in DIFC-LCIA proceedings regarding a dispute arising out of the sale and purchase of chemical products, seated in London, governed by English law, and conducted in English.
- Counsel for the Respondent in ICC arbitration proceedings regarding a dispute arising out of an EPC agreement for the construction of a chemical power in the UAE, seated in Abu Dhabi, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Counsel for the Claimant in LCIA arbitration proceedings regarding a dispute arising out of a subcontract agreement for works relating to an important residential construction project in the UAE, seated in the DIFC, governed by UAE Law, and conducted in English.
- Counsel for the Claimant in ADCCAC arbitration proceedings regarding a dispute arising out of a subcontract agreement for works relating to a military maintenance facility, seated in Abu Dhabi, governed by UAE law, and are conducted in English.
- Co-counsel for the Respondents/Counterclaimants in ICC arbitration proceedings regarding a Euros 15,000,000 dispute arising out of 4 contracts for the distribution of luxurious clothing, seated in Paris, governed by French law, and are conducted in French.
- Counsel for the Respondent in ad hoc proceedings regarding a dispute arising out of a steel supply agreement for a major cinema construction project in Ivory Coast, seated in Dubai, governed by UAE Law, and conducted in English.
Arbitral Secretary Work
DIAC Arbitrations
- Secretary to the Sole Arbitrator in DIAC Case No. 38/2016 concerning a multi-million AED dispute arising out of an SPA of a residential unit, seated in Dubai, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Secretary to the Sole Arbitrator in DIAC Case No. 80/2016 concerning an AED 25,000,000 dispute arising out of an SPA of shares, seated in Dubai, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Secretary to the Sole Arbitrator in DIAC Case No. 58/2016 concerning a multi-million AED dispute arising out of a contract for the construction and maintenance of a labour accommodation building, seated in Dubai, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Secretary to the Sole Arbitrator in DIAC Case No. 45/2018 concerning a multi-million AED dispute arising out of a service Contract for the supply of manpower, seated in Dubai, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Secretary to the Sole Arbitrator in DIAC Case No. 137/2018 concerning a multi-million AED dispute arising out of an SPA of 4 off-plan residential units, seated in Dubai, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Secretary to the Tribunal in DIAC Case No. 198/2019 concerning an AED 37,000,000 dispute arising out of a subcontract for works, seated in Dubai, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Secretary to the Tribunal in DIAC Case No. 141/2019 concerning a Euro 25 million dispute arising out of contract of works, seated in Damascus, governed by Syrian law, and conducted in Arabic.
DIFC-LCIA Arbitrations
- Secretary to the Sole Arbitrator in DIFC-LCIA Case No. 171133 concerning a multi-million AED dispute arising out of an SPA of 7 residential units, seated in Dubai, governed by UAE law, and conducted in English.
- Secretary to the Sole Arbitrator in DIFC-LCIA Case No. 20295 concerning a multi-million USD dispute arising out of sale of equipment contract, seated in Dubai, governed by Swiss law and conducted in English.
LCIA Arbitrations
- Secretary to the Tribunal in LCIA Arbitration Case No. 204799 concerning a multi-million SAR dispute arising out of a service level agreement, seated in Jeddah, governed by Saudi law, and conducted in English.
- Counsel for the Claimant in DIFC courts proceedings relating to an multi-million USD wrongful termination claim.
- Counsel for Claimant DIFC courts proceedings relation to a USD 20,100,000 gaming industry dispute.
- Counsel for the Respondent in DIFC courts proceedings in a multi-mullion USD dispute arising out of an exclusive media representation agreement.
- Advising on and managing a multi-jurisdictional shareholders’ dispute namely before jurisdictions in the UAE, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Curacao.
- Co-authored opinion on the enforceability of a Scheme of Arrangement (debt restructuring) sanctioned by a commercial English court in the UAE.
- Co-authored opinion on the strategical use of ICC Case law (governed by Algerian Law) in potential ICC proceedings (in favor of a consortium comprised of three major Asian car manufacturers).
- Co-authored opinion on the enforcement of a default judgment rendered by the DIFC Court of First Instance in France on the basis of the 1991 Convention executed between France and the UAE on mutual judicial assistance, recognition, and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.
- Assisted with the rendering of an expert opinion on behalf of the Claimant in ICSID arbitration proceedings against the UAE (real estate sale dispute).
- “Enforcement of foreign judgments and foreign awards; the DIFC Conduit” in The International Journal of Arab Arbitration, Volume 9, No. 1, 2017, p.71 (together with Karim J. Nassif)
- “When crisis appears: the resistance of market practice clauses in transactional agreements concluded and the enforcement of judgments rendered thereof in the UAE”- Flash Alert; French Business Council (together with Raphaëlle Francois-Poncet)
- “Recovery of Attorney’s Fees in Arbitration: The UAE Enigma?” in the International Journal of Arab Arbitration, Volume 12, No. 2 , 2020, p.5 to 11 (together with Karim J. Nassif)
Book(s) [in process of publishing]
- Chapter “To arbitrate or not to arbitrate: the MENA’s take on arbitrability”- to appear in The MENA Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration- Juris Publishing.
- Debater against the motion “Sole arbitrators should be required to be legal qualified” in the Young MENA Groups Conference during Dubai Arbitration Week 2018.
- In charge of the recruitment and training of junior associates and interns.
Nov 2013-Jul 2014: Filière Francophone de Droit de Beyrouth- Master 2- (D.E.A) Local and International Business Law
Sep 2011-Jun 2012: Saint Joseph University Beirut – Master 1- Private Law
Sep 2008-Jun 2011: Saint Joseph University Beirut- Bachelor of General Law
Admitted to the Beirut Bar Association as of 2014