The Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot competition has announced its 2023 – 2024 Vis Moot problem, a cybersecurity controversy, administered under the ICC Arbitration Rules.
The dispute in the 2023-2024 Vis Moot competition will be resolved by an arbitral tribunal under the Rules of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The problem relates to the sale of goods subject to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
In recognition of the ICC Court Centenary, the ICC Arbitration Rules will be used by over 300 university teams taking part in the 2023-2024 competition. The choice of arbitral rules for each edition of the Vis Moot rotates annually among co-sponsoring institutions.
The 31st edition started with online registrations in September this year, followed by the exchange of written memoranda in December and January, and will culminate with oral hearings and an awards ceremony between 22 and 28 March 2024 in Vienna.
Alexander G. Fessas, Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, said:
“This year’s Vis Moot problem is a fine example of procedural and substantive issues arising in international commercial disputes that find their way before arbitral tribunals. We are thrilled that the ICC Rules are once again applicable in the Moot – and what better time than the ICC Court’s Centenary year. As a former Mootie, I benefitted enormously from the input of those who coached my team, reviewed our memoranda and graded our oral submissions. May I urge my fellow professionals of today – attorneys, arbitrators, institutional representatives and academics alike – to embrace the Moot’s mission and invest a small part of their time to this year’s students and their effort. Let the games begin!”
“The underlying problem of this year’s case, cybersecurity, is particularly suitable to celebrate the centenary of the ICC Court. As the world business organisation, ICC is not only one of the leading arbitration institutions but also at the forefront of addressing this and other pressing issues of international trade,” said Stefan Kröll, Director of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.
Law students from around the world will gather in Vienna in March for the biggest arbitration educational event of the year, characterised as the “Olympic Games of International Commercial Law”. The competition aims to foster the study of international commercial law and arbitration and provide practical training to students for resolving international business disputes.
Ahead of the oral rounds, competing teams participate in sessions to practice the presentation of their argument. ICC is organising its annual Vis Pre Moot in Paris between 14 and 16 March 2024. More information will be available soon.
Celebrating its Centenary this year, the ICC Court has reaffirmed its commitment to promoting access to justice and upholding the rule of law while shaping the future of dispute resolution for generations to come.
Read more about the ICC Court Centenary and the ICC Declaration on Dispute Prevention and Resolution.
Read more about the 31st Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.